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Apostle   Victor is the visionary of the Ambassadors Christ Church. He was one of the renowned missionary in New Estate Baptist Church Lagos and has travelled extensively all over world, propagating the word of God, empowering and establishing people in faith and supporting pastors in carrying out their heavenly mandates.

Apostle Victor received the call of God into ministry many years ago and in 2008 when the Lord gave him a second chance to live. He finally started a prayer meeting at home and God have been confirming his calling with signs and wonders.

Apostle is happily married with  lots children and ably supported by his lovely wife, who was also ordained as minister of the gospel.

Apostle is a proven intercessor with scope of experience in church administration, having been trained under a reputable institutions and mentored by Holy Spirit.

Are you in any way tormented by the devil, perhaps, you are  in any kind of bondage or siege? good news, freedom has come at last.

Ring me in confidence 07578052356 or 07943320065

Let me welcome you to Tacci is Pillar of all possibility

Apostle Victor Amure

This is the wife of the senior pastor victor, the visionary of The Ambassadors.

Born into Muslim family, and through the intervention of Holy Ghost, gave her life to Christ in 1990. Pastor Bola is a devoted woman of God, supportive, faithful and inspirational. She was re-ordained as full pastor in 2013 and been determined to pursue holiness and Excellency service to Jesus.

Pastor Bola is the president of Great women of distinction ministry, she is endowed with immense imitative, hardworking, an intercessor blessed with gift of administration, planning, counselling, and encouraging many. Her deep compassion is to reach the poor and less privilege in a unique way.

Being the leader in GWODM, her desire is to see women actively using their gifts for God.

DEPARTMENTS MINISTRY The Men Ambassadors The Women Ambassadors The Young Ambassadors The Elders Forum The Couple’s fellowship The Ambassadors Choir The Sunday Academy Visitor’s Parlour Evangelism/Outreach/Team Prayer Warriors The Children Ambassadors